
615 N. 哈瓦那,IL 62644,长廊街




睡眠障碍不仅仅是夜晚的幽灵. 白天犯困是不正常的, 难以入睡或难以保持睡眠, 或者早上醒来感觉没有精神. 这些迹象都是要和你的医生谈谈的.

Some medical conditions can interrupt your normal sleeping patterns without you even being aware of them. These medical conditions never let you reach a deep and restful state of sleep. As a result, you may never feel completely refreshed when you wake up in the morning. 白天你可能会感到极度困倦. Your energy and concentration levels may be affected. You may have trouble staying awake on the job, at home, or in the car. 如果你有睡眠困难, 如果你打鼾, or if you are extremely tired during the day you should discuss your sleep patterns with your physician. The only way your physician can find out if you have a sleep disorder is to test your sleeping pattern, 多导睡眠仪(睡眠研究). Sleep tests are done here at 澳门金沙官方安卓版, in one of two comfortable sleeping rooms. 你晚上睡觉,当你睡觉的时候, the staff uses various devices to measure your brain activity, 呼吸, 和运动.

For more information on the Mason District 睡眠诊所, call (309) 543-8160.


Polysomnography, also called a sleep study, is a test used to diagnose sleep disorders. 多导睡眠记录仪记录你的脑电波, 你血液中的含氧量, 心率和呼吸频率, 以及睡眠时眼睛和腿的运动.

Polysomnography usually is done at a sleep disorders lab within a hospital or at a sleep center. You will be asked to come to the sleep center in the evening for the sleep study so that the test can record your normal nighttime sleep patterns.

除了帮助诊断睡眠障碍, polysomnography may also be used to help adjust your treatment plan if you’ve already been diagnosed with a sleep disorder, 但你目前的治疗效果不佳.


Polysomnography monitors your sleep st年龄s and cycles to identify if or when your sleep patterns are disrupted and why.

The normal process of falling asleep begins with a sleep st年龄 called non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep. 在这个阶段, 你的脑电波, 脑电图(EEG)记录的, 大大放慢速度. Your eyes don’t move back and forth rapidly during NREM, in contrast to later st年龄s of sleep. After an hour or two of NREM sleep your brain activity picks up again, 快速眼动(REM)开始. 大多数梦发生在快速眼动睡眠期间.

You normally go through four to six sleep cycles a night, cycling between NREM and REM sleep in about 90 minutes. 你的快速眼动阶段通常随着每个周期而延长, from several seconds in the first cycle to up to an hour in the last. 睡眠障碍会干扰这一睡眠过程. Polysmnography monitors your sleep st年龄s and cycles to identify if or when your sleep patterns are disrupted.

When does a Doctor recommend you have a sleep study?

Your Doctor may suspect you may need a sleep study when he/she suspects you have:

A sleep related 呼吸 disorder, such as Sleep Apnea.

Your 呼吸 repeatedly starts and stops during sleep.


You involuntary flex and extend your legs while sleeping. The sleep disorder is sometimes associated with Restless Leg Syndrome.


You experience overwhelming daytime drowsiness and sudden attacks of sleep.


. 你睡着的时候会把梦演出来.


. You do unusual activities during sleep, such as walking, moving around a lot or rhythmic movements.


. You consistently have problems falling asleep or staying asleep.


You will arrive at the sleep center in the evening for the sleep study and stay overnight. You may bring items you use for your bedtime routine, and you can sleep in your own nightclothes.

The room where you participate in the sleep study is decorated similar to a hotel room and is dark and quiet during the test. 你不能和别人合住一个房间. 这个房间有一台红外摄像机, so the polysomnography technologist monitoring you can see what’s happening in the room when the lights are out and an audio system so they can talk to you and hear you from their monitoring area outside the room.

在你准备睡觉之后, one of the sleep technologists places sensors on your scalp, 寺庙, 胸部和腿部使用温和的粘合剂, 比如胶水或胶带. 传感器通过电线连接到计算机上, but the wires are long enough to let you move normally in bed. A small clip is placed on your finger to monitor the oxygen level in your body.

As you sleep, a technologist monitors your: Brain waves








All these measurements are recorded on a continuous graph.

The polysomnography technologist monitors you throughout the night. If you need assistance, you can call them through the monitoring equipment.

Although you probably won’t fall sleep as easily or sleep as well as you do at home, 这通常不会影响测试结果. A full night sleep isn’t required to obtain accurate sleep study results.